This lab was established in 2001 to
represent a single patient hospital room and was recently expanded to
include video communication technologies. Designed to examine provider
and organization level defenses for preventing m ultiple adverse events,
we can collect physiological measures in a controlled laboratory
setting, minimizing risks to staff and patients. This lab is staffed
with a PhD nurse scientist and supports projects related to the safety,
comfort and dignity of both patients and caregivers during patient
transfer tasks as well as studies related to safe use of technology. An
instrumented mannequin is used to standardize patient interactions.
Engineers have retrofitted a mannequin to contain unobtrusive sensors
capable of quantifying joint position, skin pressure, and dignity
monitors. In the future, the mannequin will also be able to simulate
combative behaviors and muscle spasms characteristic of unpredictable
patient movements encountered by caregivers while interacting with
patients. This mannequin will be invaluable in evaluating and assessing
the merits of clinical procedures, work practices, caregiver training
methods and emerging technologies. The Patient Safety Simulation
Laboratory is useful to the PSCI in examining provider and organization
level defenses for preventing multiple adverse events. |