Perceptual Robotics Laboratory: The Perceptual Robotics Laboratory is a department of Computer
Science and Computer Engineering: The laboratory integrates biometric
sensors on robots such as sensors that can be used to detect a person's
life signs, and biomimetic research (literally meaning that we try to
mimic things that are observed in the natural world, usually animal
behaviors, in order to imbue a robot with some smarts). In particular,
we concentrate on the coupling of perception (especially from multiple
sensors) and fault tolerant perception with action through intelligent
sensor fusion. We are interested in the use of cascaded,
heterogeneous robots teams (aka marsupials)
to cooperatively
accomplish complex missions, especially using distributed and surrogate
sensing. There is planned basic research in detecting biotoxins with a
robot, so that an area can be searched and a determination made as to
whether the area is safe before humans go in. she has done extensive
research on sensor fusion, distributed sensing, Dr. Murphy’s work has
realized the first autonomous implementation of a class of heterogeneous
mobile robot teams known as marsupial robots, creating a low
computational complexity, biomimetic-docking behavior. Research
concentrates on the development of AI techniques to reduce human risk in
hazardous environments. Funding sources for the lab include DARPA, ONR,
NSF, and companies such as SAIC and K-Team. Dr. Murphy is listed as core
staff for the center. |